Amazing Grace
Community Resource Center
Putting the Broken Pieces of Life Together
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father, and the son and the Holy Spirit: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commended you: and lo I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.. -Matthew 28:19
Keep up-to-date on our latest news@Amazing News Letter
The Amazing Grace Community Center is seeking a new van to help transport and distribute items (food, clothing, educational materials, etc.) to families and schools in the community. Please Support us by donating towards this cause.

Amazing Grace Channel

NEWS FLASH 1 // CHOICE Youth Empowerment Program
Please Click on the PDF to download the flyer.
NEWS FLASH 2 // REPORT Highlights
Jan 5, 2016
Jan, 2016

NEWS FLASH 3 // Rachael Community Day
Community friends and neighbors, join Amazing Grace Community Resource Center, Pointe South Businesses, in putting our hands together to bless the disabled, seniors and less fortunate around us.
The Rachael Lynn Hudson Community Outreach Day was created in honor of our beloved volunteer, who helped this resource center, her neighborhood, the stranger and the lost until she died in 2012 of Lupus. Her familiar smile, even carrying an oxygen machine, never missed a chance to be an advocate for the disabled.
Multiple locations—Saturday January 5,2014 and Sunday January 5, 2016
11 June,2016